

A weekly newsletter recapping the latest business, finance and culture happenings you absolutely must know.

Recent Editions




Feb. 5, 2024: Why I Scrapped My Launch

Why I Scrapped My Launch

Portfolio career reflections, market shifts, hot links

Jan. 17, 2024: The Glory of the Editor's Room

The Glory of the Editor's Room

Also: How to write a good story in < 800 words

How to Edit Your Writing

How to Edit Your Writing

Also: More Substack news, and field notes from CES this week

Jan. 5, 2024: Why “attention optimism” is failing you

Why “attention optimism” is failing you

Also: Every literary device explained, and a hot links roundup

Dec. 11, 2023: Bye, Hedonic Treadmill

Bye, Hedonic Treadmill

Why “happiness set point” matters in online biz.

Dec. 6, 2023: Quick Tip to Write More Clearly

Quick Tip to Write More Clearly

Also: Quarterly planning tips and Medium's new “Friends of Medium” initiative

Nov. 20, 2023: A Wild Weekend of Tech News

A Wild Weekend of Tech News

Keyword research tips | Some Cyber Monday finds

Nov. 13, 2023: Personal finance inspo from... baristas?

Personal finance inspo from... baristas?

Also: MWA now open, and the coolest writing style

Nov. 6, 2023: Does Blogging Still Work?

Does Blogging Still Work?

Late adopter tips, ChatGPT's competition, writing nooks

Oct. 30, 2023: Notion Vs. Airtable

Notion Vs. Airtable

This software debate feels like West Side Story sometimes

Oct. 25, 2023 | Back to (Business) Basics

Oct. 25, 2023 | Back to (Business) Basics

Also: Hot links roundup

Oct. 23, 2023 | 1,000 True Fans, 15 Years Later

Oct. 23, 2023 | 1,000 True Fans, 15 Years Later

Does Kevin Kelly's famous 2008 marketing essay still apply?

Oct. 18, 2023 | TikTok 101 for Late Adopters

Oct. 18, 2023 | TikTok 101 for Late Adopters

Black Mirror becoming reality, and an Airtable webinar tomorrow

Oct. 16, 2023 | Creativity Is a Structure Game

Oct. 16, 2023 | Creativity Is a Structure Game

Also: Loom gets acquired, and a forthcoming Airtable webinar

Oct. 11, 2023: She's the FIRE movement, but slower

She's the FIRE movement, but slower

Coast FI explained, more AI use cases, and an app directory

Oct. 9, 2023: An Updated Perspective on Substack Vs. Medium

An Updated Perspective on Substack Vs. Medium

Also: News writing in action

Oct. 4, 2023: I Get the ConvertBox Hype Now

I Get the ConvertBox Hype Now

Opt-in form tips | Banned books | Writer memes

Oct. 2, 2023: Hammer vs. Wrench

Hammer vs. Wrench

Oct. 1, 2023: Introducing ‘The Morning Walk’

Introducing ‘The Morning Walk’

A there-and-back-again chronic pain journey

Sept. 27, 2023: The Authority Principle

The Authority Principle

Also: Writing tips, both with and without the help of AI

Sept. 24, 2023: The Content Calendar As Coach

The Content Calendar As Coach

Also: Google's AI gets an upgrade | Vimeo's upcoming free event

Sept. 20, 2023: If Substack and Morning Brew Mated

If Substack and Morning Brew Mated

Also: Behind the Scenes With an Airtable Consultant

Sept. 17, 2023: 'Tis the Season to Plan Q4

'Tis the Season to Plan Q4

Sept. 13, 2023: She's Still the Most Important Sentence

She's Still the Most Important Sentence

Headline Best Practices | Bond Buying Blitz | Design Infographic

Sept. 10, 2023: The Incredible, Edible Inverted Pyramid

The Incredible, Edible Inverted Pyramid

SEO Practices You'll Actually Use | News Writing | Display Ad Scams

Sept. 6, 2023: The Great Owned Media Debate

The Great Owned Media Debate

WTF Is a Funnel | Cumulative Content | The Great Owned Media Debate

Sept. 3, 2023: The Power of Physique Pictorial

The Power of Physique Pictorial

Visual Capitalism | Capitalist Activism | Mission Statement Workshopping

Aug. 30, 2023: The Medium Partner Program Iterates Again

The Medium Partner Program Iterates Again

Medium updates | ChatGPT tingz | Hot links

Aug. 27, 2023: How Celebrity Newsletter Consultants Think

How Celebrity Newsletter Consultants Think